Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Chupacabra

Well, I''m not really a radical, I guess, so there's that.

Anyway, here's the first draft of a monster entry - the Chupacabra.  In an ideal world, each creature gets its own page, including art, statblock, and description.  We'll see - I may need to give each creature two pages to fit in all of the content that I want.

I'd appreciate input on this - for obvious reasons, I keep the bestiary a secret from my players, which means that I'm the only person who's seen this, until now.


“We were probin Sahargeen’s edge, tryin to see how far round she went.  One a the erlier xpaditions.  Sommat spooked the pack donkeys and they near draged the handler off wiff em.
“Jus then a big critter, wiff long spines on s back, came chargin out a the trees.  We gave chase n folowd it.  We ran and ran.  Fainly we caw up tu it in a clearin.  It had long fangs covered in donkey blood and a cupl a our donkeys lay bleedin’ on the dirt.  Must a bin scared by all of us shoutin’, cuz right then it ran out on us.” – PM

“The species colloquially called chupacabra are primarily found in flatland and hill environments, where their dun-colored skin patterns allow them to blend in with the shrub vegetation.  They stand approximately 2 yards tall and weigh somewhat more than a human male, resembling them in gross anatomical features.
“Dissection revealed both the fangs and claws of this creature are capable of wicking blood out of scratched or bitten creatures, potentially causing fatigue from blood loss.  Overall muscle density is quite high.  Presumably, the back spines are vestigial – they appear to be a hardened cartilage substance, not bone, and therefore do not serve any real offensive or defensive purposes.
“Behavioral studies are few and far between – most creature research teams are forced to put the beasts down before bringing them back to the Catacombs for full experimentation.  It would appear, though, that their pain tolerance is fairly normative, despite their fierce appearance.
"More research is also required to fully investigate the reproductive cycles and mating behaviors of this species." - TAS

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