Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Developing Factions

This post outlines how factions can serve player characters.

Characters gain different benefits depending upon their relationship with the faction in question, referred to as their Faction Status.

Unknown characters have little or no prior history with the organization. The faction is not likely to seek the characters out for work, and the character is not likely to get much out of the faction.

Known characters are recognized by local faction members. Characters gain this status after completing a significant favor for the faction or interfering in their affairs. If viewed positively, the faction is likely to seek the party out when they have need of outside help, and those viewed negatively are likely to the be the targets of harassment.

Regional Member characters are basic, run-of-the-mill members of the faction. They know and are known to all local faction members, may access faction resources and spaces (like training discounts, medical care, etc.), may hire other regional members as hirelings, and may amass faction favors. Characters who join a faction at character creation start at this status, and characters may earn this status if they are Known, in good standing with the faction, and spend 6 months being initiated (free of charge). These benefits come with some additional responsibilities: in addition to a 10% tithe of all wealth due in the month of Judgement, Regional Members are also always on-call if the faction higher-ups need a task accomplished.

Intraregional Member characters are senior members, active in two distinct areas. They have all the benefits of a Regional Member, but can access them both in their home region and one additional area of their choice. Depending on the size, organization, and goals of the faction, these regions may be defined differently. Characters are promoted to Intraregional Member status if they are a Regional Member in good standing, are Professional-tier in at least one faction skill, and spend 6 months ingratiating themselves in their new region (free of charge). While their responsibilities are the same (10% tithe and being on-call), they are able to ask for more with their favors.

Chapter Head characters dedicate considerable in-game time to the service of their faction. They gain considerable benefits but lose some character autonomy. Characters can become Chapter Heads if they are Intraregional Members in good standing, are Professional-tier in at least three faction skills, and spend 6 months at the chosen location. Chapters are usually located within cities, and the character gains a leadership position at one of the chosen city’s chapters. Characters must spend at least two months each year in residence at their chapter and pay the 10% tithe, but they are no longer on-call. In addition to being able to use their favors to greater effect, Chapter Heads may also dispatch 2d6 faction members to perform any task within the faction’s purview.

Regional Head characters are almost full-time faction employees, trading 6 months per year of faction service for authority over a large swathe of the game world. They have full authority over all faction members within their jurisdiction and can assign them at-will, as long as they keep within the mission of their faction. Regional Heads must still pay the 10% tithe. Unlike the other Faction Statuses, Regional Head positions are finite and rarely vacant. Ascending to the position will take sly political maneuvering, calling in favors at the right time, and a quest or two. This is the highest status possible for a player character.

Leaders take charge of the entire faction. This is a full-time commitment – player characters who reach this rank become NPCs.

Faction Favors

Factions operate on a quid pro quo basis – every time the characters accomplish a job for the faction, in addition to their payment they also gain a favor. Depending on the faction status of the characters, they can spend this favor in a variety of ways.

Regional Members can request up to 50gp of goods or the assistance of 1d6+1 members for 24 hours.

Intraregional Members can request up to 100gp of goods or the assistance of 2d6+2 members for 24 hours.

Chapter Heads can request up to 500gp of goods or the assistance of their entire chapter, 1d6*10 members.

Regional Heads already have full access to the faction’s coffers and may direct regional members as they wish, and thus no longer need to amass and expend favors to receive those benefits.

Additional Faction Perks

Regional Members and above may access skill training in the faction’s skills. Available instructors are typically Professional in the desired skill (3-5 ranks) and Professional Teachers. Regional centers will have Expert-tier instructors available. Because they are the faction’s teachers, students may pay the reduced rate.

Regional Members and above may also seek out faction members when looking for hirelings. Whenever a skill would be randomly determined, the player may choose a skill of the same type (Mental, Physical, or Social) from the list of faction skills, although a single skill can only be chosen once.

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